
Showing posts from October 3, 2020

The Coronavirus Catastrophe

The Coronavirus Catastrophe      COVID-19 . Standing for CO rona VI rus D isease 20 1 9 , the scientific name implies that the outbreak started in 2019, although most people didn't take this seriously until the start of 2020, the beginning of a new decade. If you are reading this and have no clue what I am talking about, or don't have something similar going on around you currently, consider yourself lucky.      I had originally started this blog to keep myself busy during the lockdown, and to be able to do something that I had wanted to do for a long time while I had the chance.  Although this entire blog will not be about the pandemic, I would like to put a spotlight on the topic for at least one post. Being something that most people in the world are relating to currently, I thought it would be nice to share a little bit of my perspective on the effects of the pandemic and wait to see if any of you readers have anything to add on to what I say. Now ...

The Reason behind the name

     "TeenConnexions". Some of you might have wondered why the name of this blog is what it is. I wanted something that would show my connection to the world. Also, I thought that adding the French word for "connection" would be a fun twist to the name.  People my age look up to sites such as these for advice or to learn new things. I just turned into a teenager this past summer, so I thought adding in the word "teen" would make it easier to reach out to people my age. After all, the teenage years are known to be some of the most youthful years of our lifetime, and the time when we feel the need to have freedom, to identify our true self and sometimes make the most crucial decisions for the life ahead.      I did not want to give this blog a name that restricted the freedom of the topic or that limited what I could post about. . Although I have explained my reason  a lot, I don't want this name to just have this meaning. I want you, my ...