Teen Talk - How to speak like and understand a teen
If any of you are like me, you speak with some abbreviations (or 'abbrevs') to make your life easier. Most people our age are quite familiar with this 'language' of sorts, but what about if you have to explain what it means to someone else? In case you would like to learn or teach someone else how to speak like and understand teens, here's a cheat sheet for you. (Note: Terms will be bolded, the definitions will be italicized, and some occasional tips on usage will be in parentheses.) Sry Sorry Wrud/ Wayd? What are you doing? Wrugd What are you guys doing? Idk I don’t know Ttyl Talk to you later Cya See you L8er Later (as in see you later) Idc I don’t care (as in I don’t care what I get...) Hru/Hay? How are you? (Make sure to include the question mark if you use the other option so it doesn’t seem like the word ‘hay’) Wru/ Way? (Make sure to include the question mark if you use the other option so it doesn’t seem like the word ‘way’...