
Showing posts from December 29, 2020

Teen Talk- feelings during quarantine

Hello readers! I know I don't usually start out my posts like this, but this post (if you couldn't tell by the title) is a little more personal, and I wanted to talk directly to you! I know that many of us have been feeling confused and having a lot of other feelings during these 'uncertain times', and I wanted to show you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! So many other people are feeling the same way, and I wanted to express that in this post! Comment down below if you have felt any of these before! Frustration: This probably sounds familiar to many of you. The fact that there's nothing we can personally do to stop this pandemic is quite frustrating. I know that I have personally been counting down the days for this horrible year to be over1 Although the start of a new year will not automatically cure anything, hopefully the new beginning will give a fresh look on everything. Loneliness: After being at home for, what, 9+ months now, we are definitely starting to feel a littl...