
Showing posts from June 22, 2022

The School Saga- advice for some grades of school

 Advice If you're like me, during the last stretch of summer, you start feeling shreds (Well, maybe MORE than shreds... more like chunks) of unpreparedness for the coming school year.  I personally start wondering if anybody has advice or if they feel the same way, but everyone deals with their nervousness in different ways. I didn't want others to feel what I felt every year, so why not give you some advice? I hope that if something similar happens to you, this post will help you. Third Grade I've decided to not include kindergarten, first or second grade, because most of the kids that I see at those stages don't seem very nervous for their year. Third grade might also be unnecessary, but hey, why not?    My biggest advice is be mature now, and you will really be happy later. Oh, and at the end of the year, be prepared for some tests that decide what classes you go into for some later grades  or audition for some activity or music ensemble that you ca...