
Showing posts from December 21, 2020

Teen Tales- Thanksgiving Edition

Many of you who celebrate it might know that Thanksgiving this year was on Thursday, November 26th. I wanted to show my thanks for everything and everybody I have! Put in the comments what YOU are thankful for! According to some Teens are carefree  'Stress? Oh you have none. When you get to my age, you'll see." They might believe  That they don't mean any disregard Instead of relief We feel like things get more hard. While this might be a reality For many of you For me {I know} it's not true I have parents who Want to understand And friends too who make me feel like I have the upper hand. I'm thankful for the life That I have been gifted Of things, I have a rife And around the world I have shifted As I am streaming My thanks around the world I sit here beaming And thinking 'I am a lucky girl'. Happy Thanksgiving! Image courtesy of Google Images and Freepik Image courtesy of Bitmoji One more thing I didn't say is that, other than my friends, family, ...