Teen Talk - How to speak like and understand a teen

If any of you are like me, you speak with some abbreviations (or 'abbrevs') to make your life easier. Most people our age are quite familiar with this 'language' of sorts, but what about if you have to explain what it means to someone else? In case you would like to learn or teach someone else how to speak like and understand teens, here's a cheat sheet for you.

(Note: Terms will be bolded, the definitions will be italicized, and some occasional tips on usage will be in parentheses.)



Wrud/ Wayd? 

What are you doing?


What are you guys doing?


I don’t know


Talk to you later


See you


Later (as in see you later)


I don’t care (as in I don’t care what I get...)


How are you? (Make sure to include the question mark if you use the other option so it doesn’t seem like the word ‘hay’)

Wru/ Way?

(Make sure to include the question mark if you use the other option so it doesn’t seem like the word ‘way’) Where are you?


Rolling on floor laughing


Laughing out loud/ just laughing in general

Winging {something} 

Being flexible with planning and not being too meticulous/ not thinking through something completely (“I’m winging mountain biking, since I have no experience”)


Just kidding


Oh my gosh/ God/ goodness


Relieved/ glad/ oops (after a silly mistake is made)




Wink (don’t worry, I’ve got your back/ don’t tell anyone)


Blessed/ I am saved (second definition is used after someone helps you)

😊 or ☺

You’re welcome/ thank you


I told you so/ confident


I love it!


Love you




Just kidding


Silly/ crazy




Smart/ nerd (used when someone calls you smart)


(Used when you love an idea or an object or are amazed)


Party/ celebration/ yay!


Smirk (I’ve got something up my sleeve/ hinting something)




Why me?!/ oh no/ what am I going to do


Please (puppy eyes)/ sorry (asking for forgiveness)






Embarrassed/ I just realized something and it’s not good


I’m always here for you/ you’re welcome/ hugs!


Annoyed/ rolling eyes in a funny way (not used to be rude)


Uh oh/ that’s not fun


Cool person (when someone says you have a good idea) Example:


Great/ yes


No/ bad idea


Great!/ fist bump


Crossed fingers (hoping/ praying for something to happen)


Peace out (can be used pretty randomly)


Perfect/ ok


Pointing at something/ (I use this to point to the previous texts and mention something from that)


Hi/ bye


Clapping/ great job


Deal/ partnership/ alliance


Facepalm/ come on




This/ here


I don’t know


Seriously?/ are you serious


Oh no/ what am I going to do


Massage/ relax


I bow down to you/ you were right, I surrender


Party/ celebration/ yay


Your secret is safe with me (I never use it like this-or at all, to be honest- but this is one way it could be used)




By the way (you may also hear some people say ‘bee- tee- dubs’ for the same thing)

This isn't a full list of the lingo we use, but if you are looking to learn, you will likely encounter people who text using similar lingo, and you can learn that as you go! This will certainly make your life easier when texting someone!


  1. I love this Aarushi!! This is literally the language that I talk in with you in our group chat called NAVAJ!!! ♥️♥️ Love you Girlie!!!

    With Love,
    Val Val 🤍🤍


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