
Showing posts from June, 2021

10 Habits to make everyday better

  Hello! If you couldn't already tell by the title of this blog post, today I will be detailing 10 habits to keep in order to make every day better! There's definitely more than 10, but here are some important ones. I hope these will help you with being productive and living a good lifestyle! 1. Have a consistent routine      If you've gone on YouTube recently, you will most likely see a lot of videos pop up about morning or evening routines, lockdown routines, a day in the life, etc. This is definitely a good habit to have, and you should definitely try this, although your routine does NOT have to follow what all the YouTube videos say. Find what works for you! If someone else uses a certain skin product before going to sleep, that does not mean that it is guaranteed to work for you! Find what helps you, and incorporate that into your routine, rather than copying someone else exactly. Your routine doesn't just include hygiene; a routine typically also consists of th...