10 Habits to make everyday better
Hello! If you couldn't already tell by the title of this blog post, today I will be detailing 10 habits to keep in order to make every day better! There's definitely more than 10, but here are some important ones. I hope these will help you with being productive and living a good lifestyle!
1. Have a consistent routine
If you've gone on YouTube recently, you will most likely see a lot of videos pop up about morning or evening routines, lockdown routines, a day in the life, etc. This is definitely a good habit to have, and you should definitely try this, although your routine does NOT have to follow what all the YouTube videos say. Find what works for you! If someone else uses a certain skin product before going to sleep, that does not mean that it is guaranteed to work for you! Find what helps you, and incorporate that into your routine, rather than copying someone else exactly. Your routine doesn't just include hygiene; a routine typically also consists of the activities you fill your time with on a daily basis. Whether you read at night, or make tea as soon as you get up, these are all things that are part of your routine, if you are consistent with it.
It's definitely important to be consistent with your routine, especially with the time you go to bed or wake up, and any hygiene products that you use. If you wake up at a different time everyday, your body clock (which naturally wakes you up when you usually do) gets confused. Same thing with your hygiene; if you change products every day, your skin will not get used to anything long enough for it to actually take effect.
2. Make time to talk and interact with people
You definitely have to set aside time to have real human interaction. Humans are naturally drawn to groups; if you never talk to other people, you will be miserable (even if you generally are a loner). And yes, I mean ACTUALLY TALK! You've definitely heard this before, but texting does not count! If you are in a situation where you can't physically meet your friends (like this COVID-19 pandemic situation, for example), try to call them or video chat. It has been scientifically proven that phone calls give a stronger sense of connection than texting, although if you can physically meet a person, that's even better

3. Work out
Try to work out daily! I definitely have to get better at this, since I am typically pretty lazy! Working out gives your body endorphins, which make you happy. Not only will you lose weight, you will be able to concentrate better, you'll be more fit and live a longer, healthier life, and you will be happy. There's so many benefits to exercising, to please go do it!
I'll also have a post about ideas for ways to exercise coming up later on.
Image courtesy: bitmoji
4. Read for fun
I know, I know, sounds dorky, but it's true! I know so many people who don't read because they claim that they 'don't have time to'. While this might have some element of truth, you should always make some time to read. Not only will this grow your vocabulary knowledge, but reading is also a way to escape for everyday troubles and live a life as another character. Reading can take you so many places, and I know from experience... I personally have a bookshelf of more than 100 books😅😳. Moving on...
Image courtesy: bitmoji
5. Listen to music
Listening to music may seem like something that wastes time, but studies show that music:
- makes your blood flow better
- makes your mood better
- reduces stress
- improves your cognitive brain function
Not only is music fun, it can help make you smarter! It's a true win- win!
Be careful though, that you don't get distracted. It's easy to start listening to music and get so lost in it that you forget to do your other work. If music with lyrics distracts you easily, go for instrumental music, or maybe use music as a reward; something to look forward to AFTER you finish your work. This definitely works for me, because I love music, and personally play 4 instruments (as of now, lol). That said, playing an instrument can be even better for you!
Procrastinating is the WORST for you. Not only does it stop you from doing your work, but once you do it once, it becomes a habit. Instead, make it a habit NOt to procrastinate. Get your work done as soon as possible so that you have time to do whatever you want afterwards. Like I said in Habit #5, even things like music, which are good for you, can turn into distractions which help you procrastinate. If you know that something distracts you easily, don't do it! Find a good balance between work and fun, and trust me, it will be so beneficial.
Image courtesy: bitmoji
7. Be kinder to everything and everyone around you
This one speaks for itself. Nobody like a person in a crabby mood! Be kinder to everyone, and you'll find that you'll feel better too!
8. Declutter
Another one that speaks for itself! Clutter is unnecessary, and bad. If you leave things lying around, you'll never be able to get anything done. Make it a habit to routinely clean your room, because the only person it will harm if you don't is you. An expression my dad always used to say is "find a place for everything and put everything in its place".
9. Stay organized
I also mentioned this in my productivity post, but staying organized is just a life skill to have. It's not just like decluttering though. You have to keep your mental state organized too! Think of it this way: If you're always flustered trying to find things, you won't be able to get anything done. Just like that, if you can't focus well or remember important things, you won't be very successful. Put priorities first, and remember the important things. I know that I personally retain a lot of unnecessary information (like random song lyrics, movie dialogues, mean things people say, etc.), which are just going to trip you up later on. I don't know how else to explain it, but you will definitely see a ginormous improvement once you train your mind to remember the important things and sharpen your intelligence.
10. Don't harm yourself
What I mean by this is, it's easy to deny a compliment from someone else, or be disappointed in yourself, but this eventually adds up and lowers your self esteem. Be kind to yourself, and you'll see your mood get a lot better. Also, take good care of yourself. Don't put harsh chemicals on your skin, don't neglect illnesses or problems, and never be afraid to get help. If you're ever not feeling well or having a bad day, talk to someone. You won't just be affecting yourself if you don't; your mood and wellness can affect other people too.
Thank you for reading this post! I hope this helps you, and makes everyday supercalifragilisticexpialidocious for you!
I love all the advice you gave to everyone. I am glad that you remind people to change their lives into becoming a better human being. This is great information!! I love it!!
ReplyDeleteWith Love, Val Val 🤍🤍
I love all the advice you gave to everyone. I am glad that you remind people to change their lives into becoming a better human being. This is great information!! I love it!!
ReplyDeleteWith Love, Val Val 🤍🤍