The School Saga- advice for some grades of school


If you're like me, during the last stretch of summer, you start feeling shreds (Well, maybe MORE than shreds... more like chunks) of unpreparedness for the coming school year.  I personally start wondering if anybody has advice or if they feel the same way, but everyone deals with their nervousness in different ways. I didn't want others to feel what I felt every year, so why not give you some advice? I hope that if something similar happens to you, this post will help you.

Third Grade

I've decided to not include kindergarten, first or second grade, because most of the kids that I see at those stages don't seem very nervous for their year. Third grade might also be unnecessary, but hey, why not?  My biggest advice is be mature now, and you will really be happy later. Oh, and at the end of the year, be prepared for some tests that decide what classes you go into for some later grades or audition for some activity or music ensemble that you can be a part of in Fourth Grade (If your school does something like that, my school held placement tests and Orchestra auditions near the end of third grade) . Rock on!

Fourth Grade

Fourth grade... almost the royalty of the school. You've still got one more year to go! This year, be more brave, but don't be rude. Don't be afraid to stand out. And find some good friends to stick with you. Some schools like mine hold auditions for music ensembles that you can be part of in fifth grade. (I remember auditioning for Band at the of the fourth grade school year when the Band director made us play different instruments so that we could choose which instrument we wanted to play) Best of luck!

Fifth Grade

You did it! You've reached the top. Well, make the most of that pride, because you will be going to middle school/ junior high (If 6th grade is middle school for you) at the end of the year. Have you found those friends yet? Cause it's great to have some when you will be transitioning to 6th grade. Study hard, and really focus on what's important. Things will get tough, but you can do it. Best wishes as you move on to the middle/Junior High school years !

Sixth Grade

If this is middle school for you, I know what your first impression of your new challenge might be. Middle school in movies, books, and TV shows show it like it's some zombie apocalypse, (If this was not your first impression, I applaud you for not believing in the rumors) but really, it's just a little tougher than your schooling so far. Get to know your school, get to know your teachers, and remember: this is your chance if you want to have a fresh start. Good luck!

Seventh Grade

While many of my older friends had told me that 7th grade was the hardest year in middle school, if you keep your head up and keep going, you'll be fine. There's no need to change who you are for others. Just be you, and remember, it's going to be okay.

Eighth Grade

Wow, your last year of middle school (if that's the way your school district does it)! Don't bully the kids younger than you just because you're now at 'the top of the food chain' of middle school. Do your best, and remember, your grades matter for placement in high school where most courses are teacher recommended!

Ninth Grade/Freshman year

I recently published a post called '4 Tips from a Freshman' which will have what you need to know! 

Tenth Grade/Sophomore year

Well, I am figuring it out will have to watch this space to see how I do in my Sophomore year in High School!
That's it for nowstay tuned!



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