
Showing posts from December, 2020

Teen Talk- feelings during quarantine

Hello readers! I know I don't usually start out my posts like this, but this post (if you couldn't tell by the title) is a little more personal, and I wanted to talk directly to you! I know that many of us have been feeling confused and having a lot of other feelings during these 'uncertain times', and I wanted to show you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! So many other people are feeling the same way, and I wanted to express that in this post! Comment down below if you have felt any of these before! Frustration: This probably sounds familiar to many of you. The fact that there's nothing we can personally do to stop this pandemic is quite frustrating. I know that I have personally been counting down the days for this horrible year to be over1 Although the start of a new year will not automatically cure anything, hopefully the new beginning will give a fresh look on everything. Loneliness: After being at home for, what, 9+ months now, we are definitely starting to feel a littl...


Although I know that not all of my readers may celebrate Christmas ( Happy (Belated) Hanukkah to my Jewish readers), I wanted to publish a post about Christmas. Even if you may not participate in all of the traditions that many Christians follow, I am sure that you know how Christmas celebrations are big in many parts of the world! The first things that comes to mind when we think about Christmas is family, friends, food, lights, and love. Some of my favorite things about this time of year is the festive atmosphere that surrounds us everywhere we go, be it lights, decorations, events, gatherings, or the snow! I know that many things are not possible this year due to the pandemic ( for more info, check out my post on the virus! ), but there are still ways to keep the spirit of Christmas alive! here are some ways you can celebrate Christmas if you are stuck at home like me: Have a movie night:  Whether you are with loved ones or by yourself, Christmas movies are a classic way to cele...

Teen Tales- Thanksgiving Edition

Many of you who celebrate it might know that Thanksgiving this year was on Thursday, November 26th. I wanted to show my thanks for everything and everybody I have! Put in the comments what YOU are thankful for! According to some Teens are carefree  'Stress? Oh you have none. When you get to my age, you'll see." They might believe  That they don't mean any disregard Instead of relief We feel like things get more hard. While this might be a reality For many of you For me {I know} it's not true I have parents who Want to understand And friends too who make me feel like I have the upper hand. I'm thankful for the life That I have been gifted Of things, I have a rife And around the world I have shifted As I am streaming My thanks around the world I sit here beaming And thinking 'I am a lucky girl'. Happy Thanksgiving! Image courtesy of Google Images and Freepik Image courtesy of Bitmoji One more thing I didn't say is that, other than my friends, family, ...

Teen Talk - How to speak like and understand a teen

If any of you are like me, you speak with some abbreviations (or 'abbrevs') to make your life easier. Most people our age are quite familiar with this 'language' of sorts, but what about if you have to explain what it means to someone else? In case you would like to learn or teach someone else how to speak like and understand teens, here's a cheat sheet for you. (Note: Terms will be bolded, the definitions will be italicized, and some occasional tips on usage will be in parentheses.) Sry Sorry Wrud/ Wayd?  What are you doing? Wrugd   What are you guys doing? Idk   I don’t know Ttyl   Talk to you later Cya   See you L8er   Later (as in see you later) Idc   I don’t care (as in I don’t care what I get...) Hru/Hay?   How are you? (Make sure to include the question mark if you use the other option so it doesn’t seem like the word ‘hay’) Wru/ Way? (Make sure to include the question mark if you use the other option so it doesn’t seem like the word ‘way’...