High School

     As the end of the school year grows near for me, the beginning of High School also comes near! Some of you may know that I am currently in 8th grade, and will be going into Freshman Year in High School starting August 2021. Although High School brings many fun events, such as Homecoming, Prom, getting your Driver's License, getting your first job, etc., it also brings a lot of new work, responsibility, and thoughts about the future. There's no need to worry though! Here's some things about High School that will assure you that you will have a great time.

    First of all, High School is not just work, work, work, from all I've heard. There are definitely opportunities to mingle and to have fun, like the social events, and electives. That doesn't mean that High School is easy though. High School is definitely going to be hard if you don't stay on top of your work, but as long as you are able to create a good stay routine and manage your time well, you will do fine.

    Speaking of managing time, here are a few tips. To manage your time wisely, decide what is your first priority. If you have a summative project due in a month, and a formative assessment the next morning, which one would you prioritize? Yes, the project may be a bigger grade than the assessment, but whichever event is the bigger one at hand should be dealt with first. If you know how to prioritize your tasks well, you will be able to get through high school with good grades. Also, make sure you don't overstretch yourself. Yes, it's good to get involved in many activities, but if those activities are taking up precious study time or are making you unhappy, make sure to decide whether you should still participate. This does not go for all activities, however. You may not enjoy an academic activity, but if it is important and will get you credits that you need to graduate/ get into college, don't quit the activity! That said, you must be able to find a balance with work and fun in your time.

    Another important thing about High School is responsibility. You may hear this word being used very often because High School is all about taking responsibility for your own work and learning how to be responsible so that you can make decisions that impact your future. While High School may mean more freedom, you have to learn how to be responsible with the freedom you are given in order to be trusted with more. For example, you have to be able to manage your schoolwork responsibly to also be able to go out with your friends every weekend. 

  High school is the first step towards learning 2 important things- time management and responsibility. It is also a time to make some important choices about our future. If we do it right, we will do it well. 


  1. I love all of your positivity about high school!! You will do great!! I can’t wait to have my bestie come to high school with me next year!! ♥️♥️🤍🤍 Lots of exciting changes coming your way!!

  2. I love all of your positivity about high school!! You will do great!! I can’t wait to have my bestie come to high school with me next year!! ♥️♥️🤍🤍 Lots of exciting changes coming your way!!


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