Study Motivation

    Hey everyone! If you're like a lot of the teens out there, there are some subjects to study for that you just don't want to put your energy into, so I decided to make this post specifically for you! In this post, I'll be including inspiring quotes and ways to motivate yourself, along with tips to create a study routine! What are you waiting for? Let's get right into it!

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I'll be including lots of quotes between all of my tips as well!

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It's mostly you who has to be motivated to actually get up and work. There are multiple ways you can go about this:

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- Establish a reward system. You've probably heard this everywhere, but that's because it really works. Have you ever noticed that you feel more enthusiastic about something when there's something to look forward to at the end? Establish personal rewards for completing your work! Maybe after you finish each assignment, you'll go take a break to do a short craft or watch an episode of a series that you like! You do what's best for you!

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- Create a study group. Most people agree that they enjoy the things they do with their friends. If you find that you and your friends are taking a lot of the same classes and that you are both equally hardworking, go ahead and schedule a few times to meet when you can study together! I say equally hardworking because you don't want to have a plan for studying and then when you meet them, you get off track and end up getting nothing done. Find people who you work well with and who aren't working with you just so they get answers. 


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- Write neat notes/ stay organized. Let me introduce this with an analogy. Do you ever walk into a dirty room and feel motivated to do things in it? Or do you just feel like walking out or slumping in a corner, trying to get your disgust out of your head? I would hope that you answered the latter, because it's not very motivating to do things in a messy environment. If you organize your notes and work (and your workspace), you actually end up wanting to review it (or work there, in the case of the workspace) because it looks nice! There's a reason why those aesthetic stationary or aesthetic notes videos interest everyone!

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There are plenty of other ways to motivate yourself, but those are some of the tried-and-true methods!


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Now let's move on to creating a study routine! Since everyone has different methods of studying, different subjects to study, and different timeframes in which they are studying, I can't give you a template to follow, but I can lay out some important things to consider when you are tailoring your routine!

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- How much time do you have? (meaning, how many days/weeks/months till your goal has to be met?)

- How much time can you devote regularly? (for example, maybe you'll study for 30 mins each Tuesday and Thursday and 1 hour on each Friday and Saturday)

- How busy is your schedule already? (do you have a lot of activities, homework, or other prior commitments that may affect the amount of studying you do?)

- How many things do you need to study? (for example, you may have 13 chapters to study for History and 3 units for Math)

- What do you struggle the most in? (for example, if you are doing really well in English but terrible in Science, you may need to focus more on Science and set aside more time for it compared to English)

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Those are just a few tips for creating and customizing your study routine! 

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I hope you enjoyed this post and are able to make good use of the advice! I'll probably be making some more posts about school and studying, but here is just a brief overview of some of the most useful advice! Feel free to leave a comment with some feedback!


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