Ode to E-learning

This post is a poem I wrote....  'tis my Ode to E-learning

 Stuck at home

Nowhere to roam

Learning on zoom

On a screen in my room

When will this be over?

This corona takeover?

Is this how it will be 

For all of eternity?

I can't help but wonder

and bring out the feelings that are brewing under

"A new normal", people are calling this

How can you say that? It's not like this is bliss.

A vaccine is what we are waiting on

To make this all be gone

But until then I sit

In a place dimly lit

I give this ode to e-learning

And wait here, yearning.

(Image courtesy : Vecteezy)


  1. lol it’s rly good, I’m surprised how much it sounds like a song too

  2. Omg!!! I love this poem so much!!! Nice Job!!! 🤍🤍💗💗 With Love, Val Val


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