10 Tips to Live Happier

     In this week's post, I decided to make a list of 10 things that I find useful to remember if you want to live happily. You might think that this is the same thing as my previous post, "10 Habits to make everyday better", but those were habits, and these are more of positivity "quotes". 

I speak from experience when I say that I know it's hard to follow all of these, but just use these as a mantra (reminder that you repeat to yourself) for when you are going through a hard time and just remind yourself to try and stay positive. I definitely know that positivity fuels life, and if you don't have at least a semi- optimistic outlook, then you're just going to feel down all of the time. So again, here are some things I try to recall when I am having a hard time with something.

Image courtesy: Bitmoji

    Disclaimer: I am NOT a licensed therapist, so these aren't scientifically proven to help you. Rather, they are from personal experience.

1. Be your own best friend- The person who knows the most about you is... you guessed it: you! If you decide to put yourself down all of the time, then you won't even feel comfortable in your own skin, and that's something we want to avoid at all costs.

2. No one can tell you what you're capable of- Of course, don't make up stuff to make it sound like you can do everything, but be optimistic and try new things, because if other people can do it, there may be a chance that you can too!

3. No fears, just fierce- This means that instead of being scared that someone is going to judge you, be confident and do what you think is right. If someone tries to put you down (someone who isn't trying to help you, that is), there's no reason that you should take it to heart. This is definitely one of the hardest one to follow, because it's human nature to be hurt when someone criticizes you. Even recently, I struggle to remember this, and tend to get sad or feel like I can't do anything when someone criticizes me. Just know that you can get past this if you build up a 'tougher shell'- let hurtful comments bounce off you like you're wearing some kind of 'hurtful-thing- repelling' helmet.

4. Originality over Popularity- Don't try to do things just because everyone else thinks it's cool. Be yourself and don't be afraid to stand out. This one's also hard because some people don't want to get out of your comfort zone. Just think about how much of the world you're going to leave unexplored or how many opportunities you're going to miss out on if you never venture out of your regular routine!

5. You can't be the best at everything- This is personally one of the tips that I always forget. I tend to be a little too much of a perfectionist sometimes, and forget that I'm human and make mistakes too. Instead of getting down about it and quitting (as I've so often done before), think of mistakes as dipping your foot in a pool. You're testing out the water and are getting closer but haven't gotten in the pool yet and then soon enough you work up the courage to go in! They're just part of the journey to the destination. As Miley Cyrus states in her song, "The Climb", "Always gonna be an uphill battle, Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose".

6. Smile!- Smiling just automatically makes you seem and be happier.

7. Be kind- By being kind, you will learn to become a better person, and people will automatically start liking you.

8. Learn to have fun- If you have a bad mindset about things, then you will never feel satisfied with your life. Try to have fun and be engaged, and maybe you really will enjoy what you're doing!

9. Don't compare yourself to others- I think we all do this too much in our lives. We always think about what other people have that we don't, and end up being ungrateful for what we have. Be happy wit what you have, and don't keep comparing yourself to others, because you'll just make yourself miserable by putting yourself down.

10. Be careful who you trust- Sometimes we trust too easily. We think that everyone knows what's best for us, but we forget that not everyone means well! We should only listen to people who know what's best for themselves as well as love you for who you are. Learn about a person and see if they are genuine, because you're the only one getting hurt by trusting a person who is superficial.

That's about it for what I have to say! Be yourself and seek out the good things in life. I hope this helps you and gets you far!

Image courtesy: Bitmoji


  1. I love your advice and tips for how to be positive as a teen. I’m so glad to be able to read this post because I struggle with being positive and try not to be negative, so this really helped. Thank You!!! :)

    With Love,
    Val Val 🤍🤍


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