How To Manage Your Time

    PROCRASTINATION. Big word, but something actually quite simple and easy to do. No matter how much we all believe that we are productive, there's no way to escape from the clutches of time-consuming distractions. People may say "if you were focused, then you wouldn't have this problem", but trust me, distractions are completely normal. However, if you're trying to find a way to manage your time well and stop procrastinating, I've got a few tips.

    #1: Figure out your goals. What are you trying to accomplish? Maybe you're working on an essay and want to get some more work done on it. Maybe you're working on a math worksheet. Figuring out what SPECIFICALLY you're trying to get done is the first and one of the most crucial steps. Let's use some of the examples I already mentioned. 

If you're working on an essay, ask yourself these questions; "How many paragraphs do I WANT to get done RIGHT NOW?" "How much do I NEED to have done?" "Are there any specific checkpoints I'm supposed to be meeting?" "Are there any rules? Specific word counts or page limits?"

If you're working on a worksheet; "Do I NEED to have all of this done or are there only specific questions I need to have done right now?" "What kind of responses am I supposed to have to the questions/ problems on the sheet?"

If you're practicing an instrument or sport; "Is there a specific skill 'm trying to learn at the moment?" "Is there a level I'm supposed to be at right now?"

Some results of this step could be you realizing that you need to have a thesis statement done for your essay or that you only need to get the odd numbered problems on your worksheet done.

    #2: Figure out how much time you have for each goal. Are you working on a project that's due in a month? Maybe that could be pushed till after your math homework that's due tomorrow (we'll talk about priorities in a little bit though, so don't worry about that yet). Are you studying for a test that's tomorrow?

Another part of this step is knowing how much time you have RIGHT NOW for your study session. Maybe you have 2 hours before dinner to yourself. Maybe you're in study hall and only have 40 minutes. This is an absolutely CRUCIAL part of managing your time.

    #3: Prioritize. Like I said earlier, some things should be done first before others. If you have a test tomorrow, study for that before you work on your project that's due in a month. Figure out what's most important. Managing time is a little bit like a 'this or that' game. For example:

Practicing soccer for fun OR studying for your test tomorrow?

Working on your project OR doing your chores? (this one's one of the harder situations)

Homework OR practicing your instrument?

This step is entirely situational, so there's not much advice I can give for you there. Just know what's right for you and do what sits well with you. I know I'm definitely a person who will be restless until they finish ALL of their homework, so I would do my work before anything else. It really depends on you. :)

    #4: Manage your schedule. If you know you have dance rehearsal at 7, maybe don't plan to go out with your friends at 6:45. Know when things work for you and when they don't. If you miss out on something fun here and there because you had to get something done, it's okay. Your friends will understand.

    #5: Reward yourself! I always forget to do this, but after a long day of working, take some time to yourself to unwind and have some fun. 

I hope these helped! In the end though, it's your time and you decide what you do with it. 


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